Taking Off The Blindfolds

Have you ever seen those Febreze commercials where they invite one or two people to come and sit in a room blindfolded?  The room is filthy, but they can’t see it.  They are blindfolded so all they say is that it smells good.  However, they don’t realize that they are actually sitting in filth and squalor.  When they are asked to take off their blindfolds, they then look around in horror at their surroundings.  They are shocked to see where they are sitting and what is around them.  They were blind, but now they can see.

I felt a little bit like that this Easter.  After watching The Passion of the Christ on Friday and singing songs on Sunday in church, I couldn’t help but feel convicted that I was taking Jesus for granted.  The Lord allowed my eyes to be opened. 

I love my Lord.  I go to church.  I write my blog.  I give to ministries.  The truth is though that I have taken my Lord for granted.  I guess it happens naturally in relationships.  We take our spouses for granted to the point we don’t affirm them the way we should or build them up.  We assume a friend is always going to be there until one day you call and realize they have moved on.  We think our parents will be there, and one day they are not.  It is normal to get caught up in life, unfortunately.

The truth is I believe in a God who can raise someone from the dead.  I believe in a God who sent His only Son to be sin for us so we can be with Him in heaven.  That is the God I serve and believe in, but how often do I spend more time thinking about what I am going to make for dinner than I do about Him or consider my quiet time an item to check off my list rather than being excited about meeting with the Creator!

3 When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
4  what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them.
Psalms 8:3-4

Who am I that He would even be mindful of me?  I had two incidents this week where I know without a doubt that it was God.  It is so humbling to know that He is working in my life.  He comes in and shines His all knowing track lighting right on the spots in my life which I need to fix and gently takes off the blindfold.  He allowed me to see things I am doing wrong and things I could do better.  He encouraged me to see things the way He sees them.  It is humbling to know that He still loves me despite my filthiness and squalor.  He is SO holy!  I am so not worthy of His love.  I know He does love me, and I am forever glad about that!

P.S.  If you have a few minutes, watch this song and lyrics by Casting Crowns.  I was literally proofing the blog and was about to post it.  When I read the words above “Who am I”, the song Who Am I came on my iTunes.  I don’t think that is by chance.  God amazes me!