Funnel Cakes

I had a great time today making funnel cakes for the kids.  The kids were out of school so we had several extra kiddos over here.  I was delighted to be able to see the joy and surprise on their faces when I announced there were funnel cakes for snack.  They sure were yummy and simple.  My husband was amazed at how quiet it suddenly made four teenagers!

My mom used to make what she called “Butterflies” with a rosette iron.  I loved them.  I still had the recipe after all these years, but have wondered for years if I even needed the wand.  I wanted to use the batter to make funnel cakes.  It worked.  Here is how you make them.

Funnel Cakes

1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
3 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
Vegetable oil or shortening
Confectioner’s sugar

Mix all ingredients until smooth.

Pour batter into a plastic bag.

Cut a hole in one of the corners of the plastic bag.  I cut mine somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide.  The smaller the hole is in your bag, the thinner your batter will be when it comes out leaving you with a thinner, crispier funnel cake.  The bigger the hole is in your bag, the wider your batter will be when it come out giving you a thicker, softer funnel cake.  I prefer it softer so I cut it closer to 1/2 inch.

Fill an iron skillet with vegetable oil or shortening until it reaches about 2 inches up the sides of the skillet.  Heat oil on medium to medium-high heat.  Test the oil for readiness by sprinkling a drop or two of water in the oil.  Be careful, though.  If the oil is ready, it will bubble and pop.  Squeeze out the batter into the oil making sure to criss-cross the batter back and forth upon itself.  This part is important.  If the batter is not connected, the funnel cake will not stay connected when you go to flip it over.  Fry on the first side until lightly golden brown.  Carefully flip the cake using tongs or large spatulas and fry on the other side until lightly brown.  Remove from oil and allow the extra oil to drip back into the skillet.

Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with confectioner sugar.  Enjoy while hot.  Recipe makes about 3 funnel cakes.