Nathan is now officially an adult. He turned 18 years old this weekend. It is a day he has been waiting for his whole life. Well, maybe since he was about 3 years old or so.

Look at my little thumb sucker! Oooh, I wish I could squeeze him.
You see, God made Nathan a leader or a “Command Man” as we call it in our household. Take this for what it is worth, but there are 3 kinds of men listed according to Practical Housewifery which are the Command Man, the Steady Man (Steady Eddy), and the Visionary (Dreamer). I married a Steady Eddy. Madison married a Visionary. Nathan is the Command Man.

Nathan’s 5th birthday party
Nathan has always been a very determined boy. When he sets his mind to something, there is virtually no stopping him. This has been a challenge to parent at times but also a huge blessing at times too. The day he said he would learn to ride his bike without training wheels was the day he did just that. I know he will succeed in anything he sets his mind to do with God by his side.

Halloween Carnival 2011
Carl and I have had a lot of change these last few years. Madison turned 18 one year, graduated and moved out the next, then got married the next. Now Nathan has turned 18, is now an adult, and is talking about what the next steps are in his life.

Nathan beaming after we bought him his first car.
One thing I know for sure is I can’t hold on to him forever as much as I would like to do just that. He is my bubba. My buddy. He is my only son, and there is something incredibly special about that.

One of my favorites of Nathan’s senior pictures
So, where to next? Well, the general consensus is he needs to get his senior year schooling done first. Nathan works a full time job so doing all of his school online is super flexible and works for his schedule. He would love to move back to Texas to the land of sweet tea and sunshine, but we will see where the Lord ends up landing him.

The Chocolate Mocha Cheesecake I made for his birthday.
Nathan is one of those people who could be a millionaire by the age of 40 if he put his mind to it. He also understands the gospel in a way that I never did at his age. I am honored and blessed to be his mom. I really and truly can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for him. My gut feeling is it is going to be something really big.
Interested in reading how we have loved doing Nathan’s school online? Then read 5 Reasons I Love Homeschooling.
“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this.” Psalm 37:5, NIV