Working Hard Or Hardly Working

A couple of weekends ago, my husband and I were fortunate enough to be able to go on a date while my friend, Shannan, watched my kids overnight.  I was so thankful to her and so glad to be able to have time to reconnect with my husband.

I think it is a good idea on our date nights or when we are able to get away to check in to see how the other person is doing.  How are you doing?  How do you feel the marriage is going? Is there anything you need from me or that we need to talk about?  How is work going?  I try to focus the talk on each other rather than on the kids, if possible.

As we were talking about work, I asked Carl how he was doing with me working an extra day every week which I started to do a few weeks ago.  As we talked about it, he said, “I just feel like you work really hard for what you get paid.”  My comment to him was, “Well, who am I working for?  Am I not supposed to be working for the Lord?”  He nodded his head to me in agreement.

Colossians 3:23 (NKJV) says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not for men.”  So, therein lies the question.  Should the amount you get paid reflect how hard you should work?  If your boss is a jerk, does that give you the right to play computer games while he is out of the office and steal money from your employer?  Absolutely not.  The way I see it, you should always work to the best of your ability.

No matter if I make $10 an hour or $100 an hour or $1,000 an hour, I should work as unto the Lord which means I should always work hard.  I don’t consider myself a lazy person.  The thought of not doing my work well would be foreign to me anyway.  That is not who I am.

I guess I just see lots of people who seem to be consumed with how much money they make.  Is there a thought that if I only got paid more I would work harder?  I hope not.  I have always worked hard at every job I have had and have been promoted at almost every job I have ever had.  Why?  I proved myself by my work.

I almost hate to write this post for fear that it might be misunderstood.  I put it off until I had several confirmations this week which I could not ignore.  I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea that I am discontented with my job.   Nothing could be farther from the truth.  I absolutely love my job.  I think it is a great match for my strengths such as organization.  I love the people I work with and the perks I get with my job.  It really is a great job, and I consider myself very fortunate to have it.  That is the truth.

My point in writing this is that I think we need to stick out as Christians.  Our work ethic should look different.  We should be doing all of our work to the best of our ability and not be focusing solely on the money.  We should be working hard as if the Lord himself just came to our desk and asked us to do something.  It is not always easy to do, but that should be the standard.

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”
 Proverbs 14:23, NIV