Sunday should be a holy day which consists of going to church and fellowshipping with other Christians. It should also be a day of rest and relaxation. It is God’s gift to you which I think too few people take advantage of. It is a day God gives you permission to do nothing but rest and regenerate from the busy week you just put behind you and to get ready for the week ahead.
I try not to cook, if I can help it, on Sundays. Sunday is our leftover day where I pull out all of the leftovers out of the refrigerator. The refrigerator gets cleaned out, and I get a break. Double bonus! You can read more about how I do Sunday leftovers here.
I started doing this some time ago, because within a 6 month period I forgot two scheduled appointments as well as a few minor things which were not a huge deal. However, I felt horrible. I remember my husband answered the phone one time when a doctor called to confirm an appointment I had for the next day. I remember my husband saying, “If she said she would be there at that time, you can count on her to be there.”
I felt blessed that he knew I was reliable. I felt like the wife in Proverbs 31:11a which says, “The heart of her husband trust in her…” The truth was at that time I was putting out fires, and I was feeling overwhelmed by life. I knew I had to get a hold of my schedule. It was not like me to be unreliable. I was listing the appointments in my calendar, but not looking at my schedule often enough.

I started doing what I call Sunday planning. Every Sunday, usually in the evening, I get out my planner and open it to the next week. This is what I check and write on my calendar for the week.
- Write down standing appointments which are the same every week such as Bible studies, sports practices, lessons, youth group, etc.
- Take note of previously scheduled appointments I have written down such as haircuts, dental or doctor’s appointments.
- Fill in work schedule and what days I will be working.
- Write down exercise plans when there is extra time in the schedule making sure to leave enough time for the workout, driving time, and a shower after, if needed.
- Write down miscellaneous items such as coffee dates with friends or a date night with a spouse.
- Make notes of jobs which need to be done during the week such as checking on an insurance quote, calling about a bill, mending a shirt, an errand to run, or a credit card to cancel. Anything that needs to be done during the week can be written in a separate notebook or on the side of your calendar. My calendar has a column on the right side to list notes. Anything I don’t get done in my notes sections just gets transferred to the next week or crossed off if it no longer is necessary.
- Ask family members about any forgotten items such as a band concert or plans they have with friends where you might have to transport them.
This job usually only takes me about 10 minutes at the most. It gives me a good idea of what is going on for the week, and what needs to be done on my to do list. It is easy, keeps my schedule organized so it works for me, and I do it all from the comfort of my comfy and restful couch.