After over 7 years of working for my current employer, I am headed off in the morning to start a new job at Teen Challenge as their Education Coordinator. It is a job I do feel like God has called me to, but it was still a bittersweet transition this week.
It was a decision Carl and I did not make lightly. I really did love my job, my co-workers, and my boss. The relationships I made with clients and business owners in the community were amazing. I loved being able to have all-access passes to games and free Nikes each new athletic year to name just a few perks.
There were many times I have stood on the sidelines with the Griz football players running out on the field, the decibel level at a roar in the stadium, and I would get chocked up. My dad would have loved it and would have been so proud. I loved it and was pretty proud too.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverb 3:5-6, NIV
As God sometimes has a habit of doing, he began to prepare my heart for something else. I didn’t know exactly what He had in mind until now, but I began to feel a calling back to counseling and started doing more of it just in my home with women in the church who asked for it or needed it. I have also been working on my biblical counseling certification which I am getting pretty close to completing.
Carl and I have both developed a fond place in our hearts for Teen Challenge. We started going there during our Bible study group once a month a couple of years ago to provide a meal and some entertainment with the women in the program. Seeing how God was changing the hearts and lives of those women was truly inspiring.
I began doing some volunteer counseling there in November. I just accepted the Education Coordinator position two weeks ago. It is a job which will involve teaching, going through the curriculum with the women there, and counseling. I am excited and already have lot of ideas of some things I might like to do. We will see what God has there.
I am excited and passionate about starting a job where I hope God can use me every day to make an impact for His kingdom. There will be days I am sure will be tough and disappointing, but I also know there will be days when I will marvel at who God is and what He has just done. I am excited to get started!
I would love your prayers as I transition to this new position. This position is also a full time position so I will not be able to put as much time as I have before into this blog either. I will still post here and there, but just not on the weekly schedule without fail like I have done in the past years. I just won’t have the time.
Thank you to my former boss for saying such kind and glowing remarks upon my departure. Thank you to all of my friends and family who are so excited for this opportunity for me. My plan is to do my best and let God do the rest. To God be the glory.
Want to read the blog of when I started my Griz job? Then enjoy reading I Got a New Job.