For almost the past two years, I knew I would be a mom that had all of her kids in school this year. I began to wonder, ponder, and pray about what I would do when that happened. Would I try to get my sewing business reestablished? Would I sell clothes or other items on Ebay? Would I start a cooking business and sell items at craft fairs and farmer’s markets? Would I stay at home and just be a mom? Maybe I could get certified as a lactation consultant, or maybe I should go back to school and take some classes on something? The ideas were endless in my mind. So, I wrote them all down (it was a long list) and began to pray.
I decided to talk to Carl and see what his expectations of me were as well. I guess I felt he would want me to bring in some extra income or think I was not doing my part if I were to be at home with the kids at school. I have to say, I feel so blessed to have a husband who values motherhood and how important a role it is. He told me he didn’t expect me to work, but if I chose to work, he would not want me to work much or for the work to take time away from our family or the kids. Fabulous! We were on the same page. I should have known that God already had it all planned out for me. He always does.
One day, about two weeks before school started this year, I was ironing clothes and thinking about how it would be nice to have a little part-time job I could work at two days a week while the kids were at school. I even had an hourly wage in mind, but where do you find a job like that? The phone rings, and it was a good friend of mine. She says, “You are going to think I am weird, but my husband needs someone to come and work 10-15 hours a week doing office work. You can make your own hours.” The salary she mentioned was exactly the number I had been thinking about while ironing. So, within less than 48 hours, I had gotten the phone call, gone to interview, and gotten the job. I would work two days a week while the kids were at school. I had a part-time job without sacrificing any time with my kids.
Interestingly enough, the company I work for does all the advertising for the University of Montana sports teams with football being the biggest draw. I hope I never cease to be amazed at God and how he work things together for our good. As the guys talked about what would be required of me in this job, I was amazed at how the pieces of my life and my personality fit perfectly into this job. They wanted me to get them organized. Organization is my middle name! They wanted me to do accounts payable. I had almost 4 years of accounting experience. They wanted me to proof the game programs for errors to ensure their advertisements were correct. Advertising and Journalism were two majors I considered at first in college and always had an interest in. They wanted me to give the office a “woman’s touch”. I get to decorate too. Someone pinch me. But most of all I looked around, saw all of the signed footballs and other sports memorabilia, and thought of my dad. I wished I could have called him to tell him what my new job was. I think he would have been thrilled to know I was working in conjunction with the college athletics. It would have been right up his alley.
My dad played college football for Ole Miss and was the football coach or head coach for the majority of his 30 year teaching career. I have been to more football games that I can could count. I have seen more football films on a reel to reel than most children. I have smelled the smell of a locker room after a game. It is an odor that goes beyond sweat, beyond body odor, and goes somewhere into bacteria. I don’t even know, but it is not good. My brother and I have sat on the bleachers out in the rain watching a football game when not one other soul was in the stands with us. I have to say, instead of embracing football and developing a love for it, I rebelled against football most of my life. I even married a man who isn’t really into football. Hockey yes, football no.
But God in his infinite wisdom, has placed me right in the thick of football once again. Why, I don’t know. All I do know is that He has meshed together a job where my background and personality seem to fit perfectly. Maybe He knew I had more of a background in football than other women. Whatever the reason, I am here, and I am ready to embrace it. And who knows, I might even learn to like football. God only knows.
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19, NIV
Interested in seeing another football blog? What about Super Bowl Brownies.

Sounds like the perfect match and definitely God's provision! Thanks for sharing your stories; it's encouraging to see God's work in your life as his perfect provision!
Thanks Blair! It has been going well!
Congrats on new job, sounds fun. Tell Carl I said Hi.
Thanks! I will let him know. 🙂