I love reading in the Bible how God spoke to some, and they would say, “Here I am”. For example, Samuel in the Bible keeps hearing someone call his name. He goes in to the priest Eli to see if he is the one calling, but he is not. It was God. When God called, Samuel said, “Here I am”.
There are other examples in the Bible though such as Moses which God spoke to him, and he did say, “Here I am”. However, shortly after Moses began to wonder if God had chosen wisely. What will I say to the Egyptians, who will I say sent me, and I am not an eloquent speaker were all questions and doubts which he had.
My question is God calling your name today, but you are saying, “But…Not Me”?
It is so easy to see the hand of God when he is calling brothers or sisters in Christ to lead a group or go on a missions trip, but is the situation different when you hear God calling your name?
Here are a lot of the excuses I seem to hear a lot. I wonder if any of them might sound familiar.
- I am too busy.
- Is this really true? Life is really busy, for sure. The truth is though that I might spend 2 hours at night watching TV. I might spend 4 hours a week talking on the phone with friends, meeting for coffee, texting, or scrolling through Facebook. What time could we sacrifice to do what God has asked us to do?
- I don’t know my Bible well enough.
- We definitely need to be careful to not mentor someone and misrepresent the Bible if we don’t know what the Bible says about a certain topic. However, a lot of people use this excuse to not more forward or to the next level in their faith.
- I don’t have that spiritual gift.
- Moses dispelled this myth! Moses was “slow of speech and tongue”, but God still chose him to be his spokesperson. I believe God does this on purpose so that He alone can get the glory.
There are a lot of excuses which one could give if God is calling them to do something or serve him in some way. It is as if some say, “Yes, Lord. That is great for this amazingly, perfect woman of God in my church, but not me. I am not worthy of that kind of calling.”
I love the book Experiencing God by Henry T Blackaby. He says, “The reality is that the Lord never calls the qualified; He qualifies the called.” Amen to that! The truth is that none of us are qualified to serve the Lord. We all fall short, but He alone can work through us to do amazing things.
So…today are you ready to answer God, “Here I am”, or are you looking around wanting others to do all the work while saying, “not me”? May we all be able to walk forward in faith.
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14, ESV