Andrea’s Newscasts Circa 1978~1979

If you are having a mundane Monday, I am here for you!  My mother recently found these tapes which I literally thought were lost for the last 20 years.  I thought they were at my dad’s house the last time I had seen them, but my mom just recently handed me these gems after she found them at her house.  

I hope it brightens your day and makes you laugh.  I know it made me laugh so hard I cried!
First, the Dunkin’ Donuts commercial.

I am not sure if this is a great advertisement for Dunkin’ Donuts if they are out of one of their pastries!

Second, the Hurricane Warning 


I have just one question for you.  Where is the Gulf of Africa?

Third, the Lip Treat commercial

I just love the self-made fade out and that accent!

Happy Monday to you!  I hope this made you smile.

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