Sick On Christmas

This Christmas was a little bit different than the one I had planned.  As of Christmas Eve, my two older kids and I were sick and down for the count.  It was everything I could do to make Christmas Eve dinner and a dessert while running a fever.  I trudged through the making of Christmas dinner on Christmas day with the help of my kids.  I was thankful with everyone pitching in we were able to get everything done.

As I sat on the couch for several days taking an insane amount of medicine, drinking fluids and overdosing on Netflix, I wondered why I was sick now.  We had invited someone to accompany us to church for the the Christmas Eve service which didn’t happen.  The whole Christmas season only to be sick on Christmas?

I feel what God spoke to my heart was one word which was Martha.  For those who don’t remember Martha is the sister who is “anxious and troubled about many things.” (Luke 10:41, ESV)  It took several days of sitting on the couch for me to realize that I am consumed about many things.  Shocker, I know!

The entire Christmas season I was shopping for items, shipping items, writing letters, stamping letters, cooking treats, and planning activities.   All the while I thought I would get everything done soon so I could relax and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.  The truth was that the busyness of the holiday got me this year and got me good.  Between the pressure of Pinterest or the seeming perfection of social media, I felt an unrealistic burden to perform in some way beyond what I even needed or wanted.  Am I the only one who felt this way?  It was the sickness itself that actually made me stop to truly reflect on what was really important.

The timing has been perfect though.  As I ponder and reflect on what the new year should look like or what I would like to accomplish, I realize that I am consumed by many things.  Lots of those things are not bad things.  Lots of those things are things I have to do like laundry, cleaning, etc, but I know I could do things better.

So, I spent about 30 minutes yesterday praying over the new year and what God would like from me.  I prayed over my house and how to keep it running better.  God was honest as He always is to show me that my priorities might be a little bit out of whack and some ideas of how I can get things back on track.  I love my God who is always there to lend a hand when I have strayed off course.

In the end, I am glad I was sick on Christmas!  It helped me to be still and contemplate.  I think the Lord knows that if I had been left on my own I would have trudged right on through.  He knows I would not have idly ignored Him on Christmas, but this year I was forced to be still and seek Him in a way I wouldn’t have if I had not been sick.  For that, I am thankful!

“Blessed is the man who make the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.” Psalm 40:4, NIV